Intellectual Property Rights Policy
This document outlines’ policy (“Policy”) for dealing with notifications of alleged infringements of intellectual property rights (“IPR”)
It is each seller’s and supplier’s responsibility to source, sell and fulfil only authentic products. Prohibited products that have been illegally replicated, reproduced or manufactured, and products that infringe another party’s intellectual property rights. If you sell or supply inauthentic products, we may immediately suspend or terminate your selling account. In addition, we do not pay sellers until we are confident that our customers have received the authentic products they ordered. We may withhold payments if we determine that account has been used to sell inauthentic goods, commit fraud or engage in other illegal activity.
We also work with rights holders and law enforcement worldwide to take and support legal action against sellers and suppliers who knowingly violate this policy and harm our customers. In addition to criminal fines and imprisonment, sellers and suppliers of inauthentic products may face civil penalties including the loss of any amounts received from the sale of inauthentic products, the damage or harm sustained by the rights holders, statutory and other damages, and lawyer fees.